up to you | denver, co

Unlock Your Team's Potential: 

active Breathwork 

for High-Performance Teams

Cultivate Connection, Creativity & Calm Individually to Achieve Extraordinary Teamwork

why to book?

How we work is a reflection of the state of our inner world… Exploring it through breathwork is an amazing way to enhance work quality and bond as a team.

The breathing techniques used in active breathwork can help reduce stress and anxiety. By providing your team a way to manage stress, you can help improve their overall well-being and reduce the risk of burnout.

Active breathwork can be a transformative experience that helps individuals access deep insights, release emotional blocks, and gain clarity on personal and professional goals. This can help support their personal growth and development, which can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction.

Many wish for a change in their lives but can't make it happen because they feel stuck. Breathwork is proven to be an excellent key to break through limiting patterns and start building better ones. Imagine if you can do that as a team.. New level - who dis?!

If your players, teammates, staff members don't trust themselves, they have a hard time excelling in work/sports. Give them the gift of finding trust and connection in themselves again through this event. 

Breathwork can be a powerful tool for unlocking creativity and accessing new ideas. This experience can help inspire innovation and fresh thinking, which can lead to improved outcomes.

Breathwork can help individuals access non-ordinary states of consciousness that can lead to greater insight and understanding. By helping team members gain a deeper understanding of themselves and each other, you can improve communication and reduce conflicts.

Scientific benefits of breathwork


Increased activity in the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming the body and reducing stress. This can lead to better emotional regulation and increased feelings of calm and relaxation.


Improved mental health: Studies have suggested that breathwork practices may have potential benefits for people with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Increased creativity and productivity. This may be due to the way that these practices help to quiet the mind and allow for greater focus and concentration.


Many people who practice breathwork report having profound spiritual experiences, such as feelings of oneness with the universe or a sense of connection with a higher power.


Some studies have suggested that breathwork may help to reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to a variety of health problems. In addition, breathwork may help to improve lung function and overall physical health.

Which kinds of teams benefit from this? 

Sports teams that want to be extraordinary as a team. improve focus, manage stress, and regulate emotions  to perform better on the field.

corporate teams as they often deal with high-stress situations and workloads - manage stress, improve focus & enhance creativity 

Healthcare organizations, such as fire stations, hospitals, clinics to manage stress and burnout ultimately leading to better patient care

start ups and growing companies that work long hours and  face high levels of stress. Breathwork can help them manage stress and maintain focus, allowing them to be more productive and make better decisions.

Educational institutions (incl. students and teachers) that are under a lot of stress. reducing stress and anxiety can lead to improved academic performance, as well as a more positive learning and teaching experience

whenever | denver

build extraordinary teams 

through  breathwork

$247 for 2 people

$447 for 3-5 people

$777 for 5-10 people

$997 for 10-15 people

*bigger teams - send me your headcount to saana@saanakoljonen.com and i'll shoot back an offer! 

“Working with Saana was an absolute pleasure. Guided by her potent leadership energy, she was able to guide me through an equally potent breathwork session where I was able to release some pent up anger. I didn't know I had been carrying more than I could handle. After the session I felt a sense of clarity and even forgiveness. It was the first time in a few weeks that I felt like my old self again. I'm so grateful for Saana and her ability to hold space for people.”


What can you expect?


An introduction to breathwork, the benefits or it and the topic of the day. (We can meet over coffee before or have a call if you have specific wishes to customize and build the perfect experience for your team).


A relaxing warm-up activity followed by a short NLP "imagery trip." During the imagery trip, you'll be guided on a journey related to the day's topic, allowing you to gain valuable insights and set intentions for the breathwork session that follows.


Active breathwork for 35 minutes (you are lying down on a mat, eyes closed, and follow the breathing cues) + releasing the pent up energy together + 10-15 minutes of flow meditation afterwards 


Sharing experiences and integrating the experience to your life so when you step outside and get back to work and normal life, you'll feel more whole individually and more connected as a team


Filling our bellies while chatting and bonding. You will also get breathwork journal created for your team and suggestions for future afterwards to help with the integration.

Let’s talk workshop ingredients

Do i need to have breathwork experience?

You don't even need a fancy dancy resume. Simply come join us with an open mind and you are ready to explore! I will guide you through all of this. This time, you don't need to lead but you can sit back and relax. 

Will food be provided?

Let’s just say we're about to go ham at the grocery store. No need to pack any goodies or supplies, as we will have delicious charcuterie boards ready for you after the breathwork. 

Where and when is it?

Timing is based on your wishes and my and the space's availability, so the earlier we start planning the better. Lumber Baron Inn is located at 2555 West 37th Ave, Denver, CO 80211 which is my first choice for an event if it is available. If you have a good space in mind, I can also come to you. 

What would we need to bring? 

Pen, journal, water bottle, yoga mat, pillow and a blanket. Or I rent/bring all of those for you for an extra $300 and you can just show up. Easy peasy. 

the only small print is this: 

no more zoom

Remote work has its benefits, but nothing beats the interconnectedness of an in-person team-building experience. Real, shared experiences give teams a greater bond than any virtual class on teamwork ever could. Investing in team-building activities is essential for high-performance teams that want to reach their peak and beyond.

This is not for you if… 

…You want to lean on the external motivators to carry your team to success instead of finding the internal drive. 

… Your team is not willing to try something new to reach greater heights. (Psst. Growth mindset and open mindedness are indicators of success…)

… If you believe that the best teams are just "natural". High performers understand that great teams don't happen organically; they also take work, shared experiences and dedication to achieve maximum success.

2 workshops available per month! 

discover your spark as a team

As a professional volleyball player, the feelings of being an underdog, the belief that grinding more is the solution always, and proving others wrong held me back. But once I shifted my mentality, I began to believe in myself and triumph -- on the court and beyond. I know this is the case with so many of us which is why many teams are too self-centered to reach what they collectively can.

But! My work is not only a narration of my own life journey, but a culmination of Master's degree in Social Sciences of Sports, High Performance Mindset courses, Breathwork Facilitator Trainings, 3 years of 1:1 mindset coaching and lifelong learning about human behavior.

My desire is to help others to see and trust their capability individually so they can create extraordinary results collectively and that has brought me feelings of such grand fulfillment. I can't wait to explore what we can do together with your team!

Client testimonials


“Breathwork has completely changed my life, I have been able to process and release things I didn't know were keeping me stuck and insecure and small.. Now it feels like I have woken up to a much more confident and better way of living”


“My breathwork session with Saana was a profound experience I will never forget. I had done breathwork before, but working with Saana I was able to unlock parts of my subconscious that had previously been unreachable.

I’m so grateful I was able to have this experience and I highly recommend anyone who is considering doing a breathwork session with Saana go for it!”


“I’ve gotten happier and more focused since starting breathwork. I’ve discovered a deeper state or relaxation and overall felt simply more confident in myself which has helped tremendously with my work"

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Extraordinary teams do 

extraordinary things together

 -  Book yours below!

If you have any questions, please contact me at saana@saanakoljonen.com. If not, don't miss this amazing opportunity, can't wait to make this experience an unforgettable one for you and your team!